Install different version of Python in linux

This is how I install python 2.7.13 without erasing the current version of python that exists inside the OS. It is an alternative install. $ wget $ tar xvf Python-2.7.13.tar.xz $ cd Python-2.7.13 $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make altinstall

Setup SSH key passphrase only ask once

Sometimes it’s annoying when you’re trying to work with your project and whenever you need to enter your key passphrase. So I wanna make this passphrase prompt ask only once. vim ~/.bash_profile and put this at the bottom of the file : eval $(ssh-agent) ssh-add Or if you don’t want to be asked for passphrase … Read more

Traceroute command line in ubuntu

This is how to install traceroute in ubuntu machine apt-get install traceroute And how to use it : $ traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 ( 2.281 ms 2.378 ms 2.398 ms 2 ( 9.254 ms 9.357 ms 9.378 ms 3 ( 8.980 ms 8.966 … Read more

Mount samba share with command line

When you work with vagrant, you might want your project folder to be mounted on some directory on your local. You can do that easily with file manager, but here’s my favorite way to mount my samba share in vagrant to my directory on my local. So I can work on that. Before you do … Read more