Get current public IP address from command line linux

These command lines show you how to get your current public IP address just from terminal, just follow one of these way to get yours: $ curl -s | sed -e ‘s/.*Current IP Address: //’ -e ‘s/<.*$//’ Or, the shorter one: $ curl

Increase sound level in Ubuntu with command line

Sometimes when you listen to music on youtube with very limited sound level after your volume level has reached maximum and you’re using piece of shit earphone. Just go with this command to extend the limitation sound level, it works on ubuntu 14.04: $ pactl — set-sink-volume 0 150% be careful with maximum sounds, can … Read more

Docker command cheatsheet

docker build image $ sudo docker build -t image-name . docker to start a container from image $ sudo docker run -itd –name jenkins –publish 8080:8080 –publish 50000:50000 jenkins docker to get inside the container $ sudo docker exec -it jenkins bash docker stop container $ sudo docker stop image-id/name docker remove container $ sudo … Read more

AWS cli cheatsheet

To describe specific AMI $ aws ec2 describe-images –image-ids ami-5731123e To describe instance $ aws ec2 describe-instances –instance-ids i-1234567890abcdef0 To describe VPCs $ aws ec2 describe-vpcs To describe route tables $ aws ec2 describe-route-tables

Git cheatsheet

Ignore permissions git config core.fileMode false list branch git branch rename branch git branch -m <newname> move to another branch git checkout your-branch hard reset branch git reset –hard origin/master create new branch git checkout -b new-branch delete local branch git branch -D your-branch merge from develop to master git merge develop init on existed … Read more

Save session rtorrent

Easy way to save session and load it again when you open up rtorrent, so you don’t have to start over again. Start rtorrent and set the session to some directory: $ rtorrent -s /tmp try to load it again: $ rtorrent -s /tmp